Inspired by Farid al-Din ‘Attar’s “The Conference of the Birds“, the film tells of a flock of birds traveling in the wake of Hoopoe, towards the Mountain of Kafh, the home of King Simourgh, from which they expect to receive answers to all their questions. Between dream and reality, the birds cross the 7 Valleys. Most of them get lost along the way, except for the 4 of them who will make experience of 4 human being’s life: Monika (Albania), Abdurrahman (Turkey), Jihad (Syria) and Susan (Israel). Characters very different from each other, in terms of age, gender, culture and religion, territory of origin and mythologies, geographical landscapes and historical and psychological backgrounds. However, for the cases of life, but on the basis of their own specific different orthodoxy, it happens that each of them lives simultaneously in two or more religions. Not only “next door”, in an attitude of tolerance, but “living more than one at the same time”. Animated cinema, by way of metaphor, makes it possible to give visibility both to their spiritual commonality, in their absolute cultural difference, and to the antiquity of the wisdom tradition in which this commonality is inscribed: the Religion of Love. In the end, the secret will be revealed only to 6 birds: to the Hoopoe who guides them (but it too must first learn something); to the 4 who have lived the experience of Love of the human characters, plus a sixth, the most unlikely of all. Speaking of “Religion of Love” today might sound “paradoxical”, literally “outside of common opinion”, a trait destined to remain unperceived and not-documentable without specific dramaturgical work. The game between reality and fiction, therefore, on the one hand enhances the perception of meanings as “non-random”, on the other it allows you to play with the viewer’s belief devices, summoned to take a position, to “see” beyond their habits of perception, beyond the prejudices of common sense.
当朝大学士,统共有五位,朕不得不罢免四位,六部尚书,朕不得不罢免三位。看看这七个人吧,哪个不是两鬓半百,哪个不是朝廷的栋梁,哪个不是朕的儿女亲家。他们烂了,朕心要碎了。祖宗把江山交到朕的手里,却搞成了这个样子,朕是痛心疾首。 朕有罪于国家,愧对祖宗,愧对天地,朕恨不得自己罢免了自己!还有你们,虽然各个冠冕堂皇站在干岸上,你们,就那么干净吗?朕知道,你们有的人比这七个人更腐败!朕劝你们一句,都把自己的心肺肠子翻出来晒一晒洗一洗拾掇拾掇! 朕现在是越来越清楚了,大清的